Reviews For Marketing

How marketing teams can use RateHighly to generate demand and manage their brand.

How to generate demand with customer reviews

Users of B2B SaaS products can leave reviews on a variety of platforms, including G2, Gartner-owned Capterra, GetApp, and Software Advice.

In recent years TrustPilot and Google Reviews have also become popular platforms for B2B SaaS, and there are many industry-specific review sites. There are also app stores - not just Apple and Google, but also Shopify, Salesforce, Quickbooks, Xero, Zendesk, and many more.

The psychological effect of social proof is well documented, and it's true: people are more likely to buy your product if they see that other people are buying it.

Many of these review sites can be the first touchpoint for a prospective user, particularly app stores, so the reviews are a key part of the marketing funnel.

Strategy for generating demand with reviews

  • Gather reviews
  • Monitor all review sites
  • Respond to negative reviews
  • Display reviews on your website
  • Use reviews in your marketing
  • Keep your review page up to date and relevant
  • Keep reviews fresh

How to gather reviews

Reviews can be gathered automatically using review request modals and request emails. You can incentivize users to give a review by offering gift cards for reviews. You can also gather reviews manually by messaging your users via non-traditional channels (e.g. Twitter DMs) asking them to leave a review.

How to monitor all review sites

You can monitor all review sites by using a tool like RateHighly, which will send you an email when a new review is posted. You can also use a tool like Zapier to send you a Slack message when a new review is posted. G2 recently introduced a new Slack integration, but this of course only supports G2 reviews and doesn't support other chat tools like Microsoft Teams.

How to respond to negative reviews

You should respond to negative reviews by apologizing for the user's experience, and offering to help them resolve their issue. Be positive and helpful, and don't get defensive. Make sure the response is personal and not a copy-paste template. You should also respond to positive reviews by thanking the user for their review.

How to display reviews on your website

You can display reviews on your website by using a tool like RateHighly, which provides an embed you can easily add to your website to show reviews from any source. You can also use a tool like Zapier to send your reviews to a Google Sheet, and then display them on your website using a tool like Airtable.

How to use reviews in your marketing

You can use reviews in your marketing by adding them to your website, and by using them in your marketing materials. Each quarter G2 releases their Grid Reports, which rank products in a category based on their reviews, and their badges such as Winter 2024 Leader, which are strong signals for users. You can also use reviews in your marketing by sharing them on social media, and by using them in your email marketing.

How to keep your review page up to date and relevant

When you change your product, brand, or landing page you should also update your review page to reflect the changes. This strengthens your brand and makes your review page more relevant to users. You could also ask your users to update their reviews when you release new features, but usually it's best to ask new users to leave a review.

How to keep reviews fresh

When users look for products they often look at the most recent reviews, so it's important to keep your reviews fresh and positive. Think of the last time you looked for a restaurant. If the reviews were from 2019 you'd probably think the restaurant was closed! The best way to keep your vendor profile looking active is to keep gather reviews over time, which keeps your review page up to date and relevant.

How to manage your brand on G2

G2 is the most popular review site for B2B SaaS, and so it's important to manage your brand on G2. You can manage your brand on G2 by claiming your profile at, and by responding to reviews. If you upgrade to a paid G2 plan you get access to more tools, and your product will be highlighted positively.

How does RateHighly fit in?

RateHighly is a tool that marketing teams at B2B SaaS companies use to get positive reviews on G2 and Capterra.

We focus on doing one thing well. We don't bundle in features that you don't need, and we keep the product simple and lazer focused on getting you more positive reviews on G2, Capterra, and other review sites.

We also offer a free plan, which is a great way to get started with review generation.

If you're interested in learning more, start a free trial or book a demo call to learn how we will help your business.

Get started

RateHighly offers a 14 day free trial of our Growth plan to new users, and a forever free Starter plan, which will immediately start to grow your profile on G2.