Customizable review request modal

Users are x2 more likely to give a review in-app compared to other channels like email.

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Ask for a review with perfect timing

RateHighly's free review request modal is x2 more likely to lead to a positive review than an email sent to your users.

  • Personalised & context-aware review requests
  • Customizable to match your brand
  • Auto-request a review after Intercom and Zendesk/Zopim chats
  • Manual trigger a request through the RateHighly dashboard
  • Create custom triggers using our API and SDK
RateHighly turns your users into advocates

Users rate highly when in-app

It's true. Users are 2x more likely to leave a review when using your product, compared to if you just emailed them out of the blue. Context matters.

Think about how much email you get right now. If you received a review request email from Acme App, a business you only sometimes interact with, you're likely to just delete that email. Believe me, we do the same thing.

That's why in-app interactions work so well. A user is already engaged with your app, and they're getting stuff done with your product.

What's more, users tend to be more positive about a product when they're using it. They're in the zone, and the message isn't coming out of the blue. They're not thinking about the other things they need to do today, or the other emails they need to respond to.

That's why a review request modal is so effective. It's simple, you can trigger it at the right time, and it's proven to work.

Tips for requesting a review with an in-app modal

  • Ask at the right time of day - users don't tend to leave reviews at night
  • Device matters - users have a higher CTR on desktop compared to mobile
  • Ask the right users, the people who use your product frequently
  • Test out different messages, and always make them personalised
  • Trigger the messages after successful exchanges, like a 10/10 CS interaction

Sounds like a lot, right? That's why we built RateHighly. We've done the hard work for you - and we made it free, because we think every SaaS business should benefit.

Get started

The RateHighly modal is included free with all plans. RateHighly offers a 14 day free trial of our Growth plan to new users, and a forever free Starter plan, which will immediately start to grow your profile on G2.


“RateHighly just makes so much sense! It automates everything needed to reach out to active users, in-app, and direct them to review sites like G2.”

Nick Franklin, CEO at ChartMogul