Request a TechBible review after a Delighted survey

Trigger a TechBible review request from a client after a Delighted survey response. Set up in 30 seconds, no code required.

Delighted logo
TechBible logo

30-second setup

Connect your TechBible page to Delighted quicker than you can brew a coffee.

Set and forget

One-time setup, works automatically - forever.

No-coding necessary

Only a few clicks to get TechBible review requests triggered after Delighted surveys.

Campaign control

Select the users that you want to give a review.

Set-up in 30 seconds

Just a few clicks and you’ll get trigger TechBible review requests after a user responds to a Delighted survey.

Get reviews into  in 30 seconds

Questions and answers

1 Can I select which Delighted responses trigger a TechBible review request?

Yes, in the RateHighly dashboard you can select which survey responses in Delighted will trigger a review request. You can select the NPS rating or CSAT score given in Delighted will trigger a review request.

2 What is TechBible?

TechBible is a relatively new review site which is a hybrid between an influencer marketing platform and a place for the tech community to reviews new products, particularly products related to adopting AI / Large Language Models. RateHighly's bot connects directly to TechBible.

3 Do I need to write code to set up the connection?

No, RateHighly's integrations with TechBible and Delighted are completely no-code. Just create a RateHighly account and enable both integrations in the dashboard, and review requests will start as soon as you are ready.

Nick Franklin, Founder & CEO at ChartMogul

RateHighly just makes so much sense. It automates everything needed to reach out to active users, in-app, and help them to give a testimonial.

Nick Franklin, Founder & CEO